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We help Western manufacturing and services companies move more strategically and efficiently into the Chinese markets, and Chinese manufacturers move much closer to their overseas customers.  Our team of experts have completed many assignments across different continents and here are some of the sample engagements.  Please contact us to request more information.  All inquiries, large or small, will be replied promptly by one or more of our specialists.

Outsourcing and Partnership

Our Chinese outsourcing experts have worked with many companies in identifying and locating quality OEM partners in China, and sourcing goods and services from our select group of quality Chinese manufacturers. 

Company Representations

Our US marketing and sales experts are currently representing several China-based manufacturing and service companies in North America.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Our team of strategic and financial advisors have successfully advised a China-based company selling its manufacturing and distribution operations in China to IDEX Corporation, a multi-billion dollar US corporation.

Investments and Market Entry

Our China experts and insiders have advised an European multinational financial services company on its Euro-China direct investments and market entry strategies.


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